Name of the local community:
Country: Montenegro.
Administrators are persons that manages the database, have the overview in all the data from local Biologer platform and are in charge for entire organisation of the Local community. The initial Administration team is approved by the Project team during the foundation of new Local community. New Administrators are usually chosen from the Editors team, and this decision must be approved by 2/3 of the current Administrators. Administrators have right to access the data and to decide about data usage (in accordance with the licenses chosen by the Users).
Administrators of the Local community "" are:
Editors are taxonomic experts for certain groups of organisms and they are in charge of reviewing upcoming data, approving and correcting the records or making the record impossible to identify. Editors are experts with many years of experience in field work and proved knowledge in certain groups of organisms. Editors of the taxonomic groups in each Local community are chosen by Administrators from the list of Users. Adding new Editors in certain taxonomic group must be accepted by 2/3 of existing Editors and 2/3 of the Administrators. Editors have right to access the data for the group they are in charge and to decide about their usage (in accordance with the licenses chosen by the Users).
Editorial team in Local community "" is made of 14 persons in charge of 14 taxonomic groups:
Users are all the members of Local community, and this status has bean given after the registration on the web platform. Editors and Administrators are also Users. Users make Biologer community and their devotion is reason for gathering valuable data about distribution of taxa in certain geographic area.
Biologer community "" has 100 Users, that have gathered 993 data about our biological diversity.